• Fortinet
  • Checkpoint
  • Cisco
  • Juniper
  • Palo Alto
  • Sophos

NextBridge Solutions is the one-stop solution for all your firewall solutions needs name it from A TO Z and we are there.


  • Vulnerability Assessment
  • Standard Hardening
  • Custom Hardening
  • SBCE Standard Hardening
  • Certificate Migration

Comprehensive Penetration Testing & Vulnerability Assessments

  • Our industry-leading penetration testing services go beyond basic vulnerability scans.
  • We simulate real-world attacker tactics to uncover and exploit weaknesses in your web applications, mobile apps(Android & iOS), APIs, and network infrastructure.
  • This proactive approach empowers you to address vulnerabilities before they can be weaponized by malicious actors.

  • Tailored Security Awareness Training & Phishing Simulations
  • Empower your employees to become your first line of defense.
  • We offer engaging and customized security awareness training programs that educate employees on identifying and mitigating social engineering threats, phishing attacks, and other cyber scams.
  • We also conduct realistic phishing simulations to test your organization's preparedness and identify areas for improvement.

  • Advanced Threat Detection & Incident Response
  • Stay ahead of emerging threats with our advanced threat detection and incident response services.
  • We leverage cutting-edge security tools and expert analysis to identify suspicious activity, contain potential breaches quickly, and minimize damage.
  • Our team will guide you through every stage of an incident, ensuring a swift and effective response.

  • Robust Security Architecture & Compliance Consulting
  • Our security architects work closely with you to design and implement a robust security architecture that aligns with your business needs and industry regulations.
  • We offer expertise in leading security frameworks like SOC 2 Type 2, ISO 27001, GDPR, and PCI DSS.
  • We can guide you through the entire compliance process, ensuring your organization meets the necessary security standards.

  • Continuous Cloud Security Monitoring & Management
  • In today's cloud-centric world, securing your cloud environment is paramount.
  • We offer comprehensive cloud security monitoring and management services.
  • We utilize advanced tools and expert analysis to continuously monitor your cloud infrastructure for suspicious activity and potential threats.
  • Our proactive approach ensures the ongoing security and integrity of your cloud-based data and applications.

  • Managed Detection & Response (MDR) Services
  • Don't have the in-house resources to dedicate to continuous security monitoring?
  • Our Managed Detection & Response (MDR) services provide 24/7/365 threat detection and response capabilities.
  • Our security specialists will monitor your network for suspicious activity, investigate potential incidents, and take swift action to neutralize threats.
  • This allows your team to focus on core business functions while we handle your cybersecurity needs.

  • Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP)
  • : Don't have the resources to manage your cybersecurity in-house?
  • Our Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) solutions offer a cost-effective alternative. We provide 24/7 security monitoring, threat detection, incident response, and ongoing security management, allowing your team to focus on core business activities with peace of mind.


    • Web Application Pen Testing
    • Network Devices Pen Testing
    • Specialized in Active Directory
      • Consulting
        • Pen-Testing
          • Hardening

    Vulnerability analysis, also known as vulnerability assessment, is a process that defines, identifies, and classifies the security holes (vulnerabilities) in a computer, network, or communications infrastructure. Penetration testing(also called pen testing) is the practice of testing a computer system, network or Web application to find vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit.